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The Initiate is a huge damage dealer! He posses very powerful spells that cause a lot of damage! The two branches you choose from are White Wizard and Archsage. The White Wizard is more of a crowd controller, while the Archsage is just pure damage. Both are good help in a group, because they are able to make the bosses health drop quickly! Also due to mana shield, they can withstand a large amount of damage!


The Archsage was made for damage, pure damage. His spells were created for this purpose. An Archsage is valuable in any group because he can freeze surronding enemies and deal huge damage to them at the same time. Also he posses the pinicle of all spells: Twilight's Eve!

Archsage's Skills - Coming Soon!





White Wizard

The White Wizard is a DPS and a crowd control. He excels at crowd controlling due to his abilities. He can damage enemies all around him with just one button, and he posses other spells to help him as well. He is good for people who want to hurt masses of enemies.

White Wizard Skills - Coming Soon!