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The Templar is great for boss fights because of their high damage skills and attacks! Their attack speed is fairly slow, but they have such a great damage it makes up for it! The Templar can become either a Grand Templar or a Dark Arch Templar. Both are damage dealers, but the Dark Arch Templar is better at it. However the Grand Templar has skills that make him unreplacable in a group!

Grand Templar

The Grand Templar can do some serious damage to his enemies. He has a couple of spells to hurt his foes greatly. However one of his greatest abilities is his 12 seconds stun! When used on a boss, it provides enough time for everyone to recover and hurt the boss but, the boss can't hurt you! Also the Grand Templar has an ability that resets the cooldown of all her spells, allowing her to use stun two times in a row, without worrying about stun's cooldown. She is an amaing person to have in a boss fight.

Grand Templar's Skills - Coming soon!



Dark Arch Templar

The Dark Arch Templar deals a crazy amount of damage. She has good attack speed, and abilities that make her super strong. She is a great choice for people who want to deal damage to drain a bosses health quickly!

Dark Arch Templar's Skills - Coming soon!